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Vegan Meatlover's Pizza

Monday, November 30, 2020

Vegan Tiramisu

 One of my favorite desserts growing up was Tiramisu. Its creamy custard texture and soaked lady fingers are soft, refreshing, and decadent at the same time. Unfortunately, Tiramisu is far from vegan, so I devised some vegan substitutes to enjoy this dish once again. 


Vegan Tiramisu with homemade lady fingers and cocoa dusted on top.

For Filling:
1 package silken tofu 
1/2 cup aquafaba (chickpea water)
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tbsp corn starch
2 tsp vanilla extract 
For Lady Fingers:
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tbsp corn starch
1 tbsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup canola oil 
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tsp vanilla extract 

For Espresso mixture: 
1 cup strong coffee or espresso
2 tbsp rum (optional)

1. Preheat your oven to 350℉. In a mixing bowl, add all the dry ingredients for your lady fingers and whisk gently. Then create a hole in the middle of the flour mixture to add your wet ingredients. 

2. Add your wet ingredients and slowly mix the batter until fully combined. Then grease a baking sheet thoroughly and pour your batter onto it to create a very flat cake. Bake for approximately 30 minutes (do the toothpick test to see if it done before removing it from the oven). 

3. Once the lady fingers cake has been baked, set aside to cool completely and take this time to make some strong coffee or espresso. Then place in the fridge to cool after pouring in some rum. 

4. While your cake and coffee are cooling, it is time to work on the cheese filling. Tiramisu is traditionally made with a mascarpone custard. To substitute this, whip 1/2 cup aquafaba until foamy. 

5. Then add your aquafaba to a blender along with a package of silken tofu, vanilla extract, and corn starch. Blend until completely mixed. 

6. Pour the filling into a sauce pan and cook on low heat heat until it begins to slightly thicken. Do the finger test to see if it is complete: stir the sauce with a spoon and then immediately trace a line across the back of the spoon with your fingertip. If the line stays then it is the correct consistency. 

7. Pour the filling into a mixing bowl and cover with plastic wrap to prevent a skin from forming. 

8. It is now time to assemble your cake. Cut your cake into long rectangular shapes to be your lady fingers, about 1-2 inches wide. Dunk them quickly into your espresso mixture and arrange them in a baking dish. Only dip them in for about 2 seconds or so, or the lady fingers will disintegrate. 

9. Once the lady fingers are arranged. Pour your thickened custard over them. Use a spatula to level the custard and cover the dish. Place the dish in a refrigerator for the cake to set overnight or for at least 5 hours. 

10. Dust the surface with cocoa powder. Then feel free to cut and serve. Enjoy!  

**Note: Feel free to make multiple layers, alternating soaked lady fingers with filling, if you would like. 

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